Sunday, November 27, 2011


Sutras are aphorisms that convey the core teachings in this and in all spiritual disciplines. A sutra is like a puzzle; it's a complex concept that has been reduced to a handful of words which is easy enough to remember, but evocative enough to promote deeper examination and study.

These 5 Sutras were given by Yogi Bhajan in order to help us navigate through the Aquarian Age.

1. Recognize that the other person is you
2. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times
3. There is a way through every block
4. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off
5. Vibrate the Cosmos, the Cosmos shall clear the path.

Starting this Thursday evening, December 1, there will be a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation class at 7:00 in Eagle Rock at 2727 El Roble Drive, LA CA 90041. It is the beginning of the Eagle Rock Kundalini Center where souls can gather to practice Kundalini yoga and meditation, learn about the yogic lifestyle, purchase books, clothing, and accessories that help one's practice, and gather with like-minded individuals to discuss subjects (like the Aquarian Sutras for example), hang out, and drink Yogi Tea.

This week we'll examine Sutra #3 "There is a way through every block". Through the practice of meditation that removes obstacles and yoga sets that dissolve energetic blockages, you will find the clear path to your destiny. The beauty of Kundalini Yoga is that you can get to the neutral mind quickly and make clear and intuitive decisions that lead you in the right direction. Therefore when you encounter difficulties and challenges, you can maneuver through them with grace instead of crashing into them and getting nowhere.

Please come promptly at 7:00 and be prepared to do some yoga, meditate, and relax deeply to the sound of the Gong. Class is approximately 1 1/2 hours and suggested donation is $15. Parking on the street is plentiful. Bring a pillow, mat, or blanket and bring a friend. Beginners and seasoned practitioners....all are welcome. For more info call 323-739-6072 and/or visit

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Sat Nam!

I wanted to write today about the number one rule for a good yogic lifestyle. This rule is to BE CONSCIOUS. What exactly does that mean?

In our culture, we are taught to numb our pain, sweep disappointments under the rug, avoid challenges and obstacles, and to buy and use products that assist you in obtaining total UNCONSCIOUSNESS. You can go through life without ever even paying attention to what we say to others, what the effects are of the foods we put in our mouths, what the repercussions are of the drugs or substances we ingest to get high or feel comfortable in social situations. We completely take our bodies and minds for granted and we basically go through life on autopilot, assuming that we are invincible and our actions have no reactions on ourselves or others.

...we wake up one day and feel that something is dreadfully wrong, something important is missing, or we are ill, depressed, and unfulfilled. THEN we take notice and we start to look for something to fill the holes in our lives and try to fix what's wrong from the outside. You never think for one minute that a simple thing like consciously deepening the breath could vastly improve your life. If your breath is shallow, you are not taking in the life force energy, the prana, that you need to function at your peak. You are asking for a panic attack, depression, dis-ease. If you had a high performance car, you would buy premium gasoline to make it work at its optimum capacity. So why wouldn't you treat your body the same?

Kundalini Yoga gives us the resources to achieve complete and total health of body and mind. When you treat the body with respect, it performs better for you. When you exercise the mind through meditation, you achieve control over your emotions. You no longer live as a slave to your feelings and act rather than react. This all takes time, commitment, and a willingness to practice but it is available to all. Kundalini Yoga's effects can be felt with just one class.

When you wake up in the morning, wouldn't it be great to feel as though ANYTHING were possible? This is the state of mind of a conscious person. So BE CONSCIOUS and make your life a victory!

Start your Kundalini Yoga practice on Thursday December 1 at the Eagle Rock Kundalini Center (2727 El Roble Drive, LA CA 90041) or visit my other site for information on additional classes on the east side of Los Angeles. For more information please call 323-739-6072.

Have a delicious holiday,
Raghubir Kaur

Monday, November 21, 2011

My name is Raghubir Kaur and I'd like to introduce you to the new Eagle Rock Kundalini Center. We are located at 2727 El Roble Drive in Los Angeles 90041 and are open for evening Yoga and Meditation at 7:00pm on Thursday evenings starting December 1. Please come and enjoy Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan in a cozy environment and stay for the yogi tea we serve after class. Long meditations and Gong relaxation make this the perfect way to end your day. Parking on the street and $15 suggested donation. Please bring your yoga mat and cushion (if needed). If you'd like to know more about Kundalini Yoga and the other classes I teach, please visit my website. More classes will be added in the new year. The all-level classes run about 1 1/2 hours. Sat Nam.