Thursday, July 19, 2012

WAHE GURU - An expression of the Etheric


" If a person has the akasha tattva (the etheric element) predominating, then he will be the happiest, most carefree being in the world. Yet, the operations of the akasha tattva are not perceptible to our sense organs. "-Yogi Bhajan

The ether tattva/element is without form. It connects all of us. Our collective small selves all join as one through the element of ether. It corresponds with the Fifth Chakra which is located in the throat.  The fifth chakra is about speaking the truth, but it also includes the ears and hearing the truth. 
Ether is the tattva of the teacher.  When we speak the truth, we bring the subtle vibration of the Shabd into manifestation...  and through the vibration of sound, we bring the truth into our material reality. 

"The operations of a particular tattva comprise the entire body-system. There are main centers as well as subsidiary centers of operation. The chief center of operation of the akasha tattva (ether) is the throat—the space between the collar-bone and the nape of the neck. This is the vyama-granthi region of the body, which comprises the following principal glands: thyroid, parathy­roid, salivary, and tonsils. The essential secretions of these glands help mold our minds and keep them nourished. In vyama-granthi, sattva guna predominates. For this reason, a person with a supremacy of the vyama-granthi in his body possesses a mind in tune with the Supreme Consciousness. The vyama-granthi of females is much stronger than that of males. Therefore, in a woman we find that endearing qualities such as affection, love, unselfishness, and steadfastness are conspicuously present."-Yogi Bhajan

Chant Wahe Guru. Speak and be the living TRUTH. 
WAHE is an expression of awe and ecstacy. GURU is the teacher...that which brings us from darkness into the light. WAHE GURU is the projection of the complete ecstatic awe in the presence of the Divine.  Wahe Guru is a trikutee mantra  which expresses the nature of GOD - the generating, organizing and delivering principles.  In Kundalini Yoga, WAHE GURU is the gurumantra which triggers the divine in YOU.

Tonight at 7, we will dive into the ethers.  Bring a mat, blanket, a friend and a donation ($15 recommended) for an evening of Kundalini yoga and meditation and Gong. For more info visit the website.

Sat nam,

“See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world. There is one awareness among all created beings. One who recognizes the One Lord among all beings does not talk of ego. All human beings have the light of the Lord and are the same. Only by subduing one’s pride and ego could one see this light in all.”  Guru Nanak 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Fireworks...

Our personality is dependent on which of the five gross elements predominates in our nature. The agni‐ granthi, or fire center, manifests through the spleen, liver, pancreas, and adrenal glands. Just as the heat of the sun makes life possible on Earth, the heat of the agni tattva sustains life in the body. The day this internal fire goes out means death to the individual as surely as this world would die if the sun refused to shine. Persons with a supremacy of this agni tattva are very vigorous, full of perseverance, and become untiring workers. They have a wonderful capacity for leadership and a directness of manner and speech.”
– © The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, January 1, 1973

Sat Nam Everyone....
Last night I am sure many of you heard or saw fireworks...and as things are, we are working on the Fire Tattwa for tonight's class.

I have been away at Summer Solstice in the high desert north of Espanola on a sacred and powerful piece of land known as Ram Das Puri.  In such a place, where the heat and the dryness is so intense at times, you feel as though you are only a few miles from the sun.  Every year, for the last 5 years, a tattwa has dominated the program; this year's element was ETHER.  And just like ether, it's hard to describe what ensued. 

Two years ago, FIRE was the "featured" element... and just like the summer solstice experience of 2010, tonight's planned class is going to pack a punch.

I'm paraphrasing here, but Yogi Bhajan said that the AGNI-GRANTHI or fire center has an enormous amount of power and just like fire, it can either cook for you or burn your house down. And as the digestive fire commands our digestive system, we can use this element to help us to fully digest life's experiences.

Fire transforms and it heals.  Naturally occurring forest fires remove undergrowth and stimulate seeds to burst open and take root. A similar thing happens inside of us.  We have the capacity for internal combustion that burns karma, fuels our momentum to thrive, and gives us access to our true power located in the third chakra.

The time is NOW for self-discipline, upping your practice, and setting boundaries.  It's no joke...everything is moving at a faster pace now and the times require an upgrade of your operating system.  Your Fire Tattwa, which is associated with the Third Chakra can give you the sustainability to move with the times and excel.

The third chakra is sometimes referred to as the WILL OF THE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR.   It is the center of personal power and commitment.  When you talk about inner strength, inner balance, and good health, you are talking about the Third Chakra in action (located in the Navel).  If you have digestive problems, little or no conviction to your beliefs, emotions, or wishes...then you need to work on your third chakra and fan the flames of your Fire tattwa.  If you have inner anger, greed, shame, despair and see obstacles in every direction, then working on this chakra/element is the place to start.  

Tonight we'll be working on the third Chakra/Fire tattwa.  The navel center is your beginning --the first place through which you are fed. Your job is to accumulate energy in the navel point because it is your "reserve" power.  The Kundalini energy is initiated here through the movement of breath, prana, apana, and exercise and the energy ignites in what is referred to as "white heat". The energy is sent down to the first chakra and awakens the dormant Kundalini energy resting at the base of the spine.  And lastly, one of the most important aspects of this tattwa is that is a doorway to the HEART/AIR TATTWA...where higher consciousness begins.

Class begins promptly at 7, but no one will be turned away. Donation only ($15 recommended) and bring a mat, cushion, or blanket for support.  We will relax at the end with a long gong relaxation...but be prepared to stir the embers in you.  for more info visit

See you later,